Saturday, October 18, 2008

Waiting outside of Yad Vashem with Stephen whose hat was keeping me out of the rain. J Yad Vashem is actually the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. It was a very hard experience but one that I really needed to go through and to learn from. The museum is made in the shape of a prism – with two triangle outlets on both sides of a long corridor. You can see the end from the beginning but you may not pass strait though. There are wires placed so that you must wind through the whole museum faze by faze and not miss anything. I learned a lot as we were guided through the museum. Some of the stories were about people that escaped- others of people who did not. One of a boy who was in a camp of 300,000. He was one of three that escaped and he was 13. At the very end of the museum was a room that was circular. On the top of the walls were pictures of those people affected by the Holocaust and beneath that were 3 or 4 rows of shelves. On these rows were black binders - each one filled with the name and information of all of the people the museum was about. There were empty spaces for the people that had no information on yet. I felt that history and their families were important to them.

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