Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving/ 4th of July!!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving in Ein Gev! The workers here are absolutly amazing! they are so good to us. Many years ago when the group asked if we could have a bon fire they made it happen and the tradition still goes on... but now they have mixed up the word and they call it a firebon! :) They have also accidently combined thanksgiving with 4th of July! Oh what a hoot! they put roman candles on all of our turkeys!!! It was so great! I loved it so much!!!! Thanksgiving to remember :)

1 comment:

Sheila Fish said...

Kendra, what fun you have had! I hear you're home now, so the big question is...when are you coming to visit?? Oh, and I saw the nativity that you got my mom.. it is so gorgeous. Good work on picking that one out!