Thursday, September 11, 2008


No way! No way! Okay pinch me.... It must be true! I am here in Jerusalem! I am having the best day of my life every day and I absolutely love it. Classes are wonderful - I have 3 classes about the culture: modern neareast studies taught by Ophir Yarden (a Jew from Israel) and another modern neareastern studies class taught by Adanan Musallam (a Christian from Palistine) Both of them are so awesome and they teach two very interesting and different perspectives on the conflict here in the Holy Land. Our normal day schedule is classes in the morning and then exploring in the afternoon. We go in small groups (about 4-6 for saftey) and we just pick a new couple of places we want to go see. Here is one of the first we went to! The Dome of the Rock - what an amazing place. We do not get to go inside but we can see a clear view of it from our decks as it sits on the temple mount.

1 comment:

Annette said...

I love this picture! You sound like you are doing great :) Have fun. MUAH! xoxo